Thursday, July 18, 2013

10 Tips for Passing the LET

What does it take to achieve a goal?

A successful person always has a goal in mind. There can be no person who have made it to the top without hard work and effort.

"Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential"
~Winston Churchill

That said, effort here means not just doing work for a day or two. It should be continuous. Needless to say,  a person who does just a day or two of hard work will benefit a day or two of reward. When the reward has more worth, then it requires effort which has more worth as well.

1. Stop procastinating.

Often the biggest hindrance in achieving our goals are the distractions of everyday life that we let ourselves be drawn into. Things like always opening our facebook accounts, playing online games, window shopping (online and offline), or just plain laziness can cause us to lose so much of our precious time which we should've used for something more productive like trying to achieve whatever goal we have set for ourselves.

2. Make a timetable.

This is often one of the suggestions for solving problem #1.

3. Follow your timetable strictly.

Really now, what's the use of a timetable if you don't follow it? Do not make excuses. The only thing that stands between you and your goal are your crappy excuses.

4. Learn to socialize.

What one can do, two can do better no? Be friendly to everyone.

5. Avoid overheating.

Take time to rest. It is not good to overstudy.

6. Remember that everything is a learning experience.

No matter what you do, keep in mind that anything, any concept or idea can be useful when the time comes. So remember as much as you can, from words to events, to skills and everything else. There's worth in everything.

7. Be resourceful.

Do not rely on just books or the internet. There are a lot of sources for information.

8. Get organized.

Your environment affects your learning. Having a cozy environment makes you feel sleepy. Having a messy environment makes you lazy. There should be a balance, but its really up to you. Just make sure that your study environment really looks like one, else you get demotivated to do anything.

9. Research.

Do not be discouraged when you read highfalutin words or words which are very difficult to understand. When the situation becomes difficult, then all the more you should exert effort. Never give up until you understand everything.

10. Ask yourself this question: Do you really want to be a teacher? For what purpose are you doing this?

Unless you are sure of what you want, none of these would really matter to you. As Socrates said, "Know thyself". On the other hand, if you are sure of what you want to be, then there will be no problem.

Following even just half of these will surely increase the chances of passing the LET. What is your goal? Do you want to just pass the LET? Or do you want to pass with flying colors? Make your choice.

~At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no regrets.