Saturday, March 2, 2013

Personal Educational Philosophy

“Only love can change the world”

If a teacher would like to make the students learn, then the teacher must first love the students. I have seen so many students today in our society that has the problem of lack of affection because of various circumstances at home. Because of this, their only hope is to receive this love in school, from their classmates or their teachers. So it is very important that a teacher learns to love each and every student.

I believe every child is special, and that makes me want to explore their potential. They are the hope of the future, and they are gems that are waiting to be discovered. I want to tap into these hidden abilities of the students by first getting to know the students themselves. As teachers, it is imperative that the students trust us and believe in our capability of making them shine and stand out in this world. We must make them feel their worth.

Teachers cannot teach everything to the children, but they are bound to change something in their lives. The students should learn not just the information and facts, but also of the attitudes and values that will help them live a productive and fruitful life in society or outside the school community when they graduate. Only then will a student considered truly learned.

Education is not just a preparation for life, it is life itself. High school students learn by associating with themselves with the world. Where do they stand? Where is their place in this world? What is their identity? And thus it is the job of the teacher to help them answer these questions and guide them as they themselves discover what their life is all about.

Teachers are like candles. They consume themselves to light the way for their students. If to teach is to love, then showing love means sacrifice. Sacrifice time, effort and sometimes, even financial things. Once a teacher shows love for students, then it is impossible not to make the students learn.